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What would you do if you were in my shoes?

What would you do if you were in my shoes?

Big league post from Kobra! [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Seriously testo, I'd avoid complaining about India when it sounds like you have a good life in your own country. If you're truly location independent, save up some cash, get your passport in order and travel a bit.

I felt the same way about my city of origin and I'm now a lot happier that I left. That said, I still do look back at all the opportunities presented to me by my family, friends, city and state and feel lucky. You should temper your dislike for your country with a bit of gratitude as well.

There are probably millions of Indian dudes who would line up for the opportunities you have, so it definitely does come across the wrong way when you hate on your own like that.

Not to mention, when you hate on India like that you embolden people who know NOTHING about India and make them feel like it's OK to shit on your country and culture. That ain't cool.

Bottomline: we don't like to read whining on this forum, we like to read plans of action or accomplishments. Whining about indians and India will win you no friends here.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

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