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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

Hello All,

I am a 23-year-old who works and lives in Dallas, TX. White male, strawberry blonde hair, turquoise eyes, slim body build, and just around 6 feet tall.

In regards to game - I have 3 notches so far and they are from drunk hookups. The main reason why I do not get laid is probably because I have anxiety from a "what to do next" kind of mentality. By no means am I anti-social - I am an Account Executive in my day job. I just have issues when it comes to approaching, escalating, and closing.

My main priorities in life right now are to learn game and build a location-independent business income through copywriting. While game is one of my ultimate goals in life, building a business is definitely the main focus right now and will remain so until I achieve my goal.

Speaking of that...

My main goal right now is to build a copywriting business that earns between $3-4,500 per month and quit my day job by the end of this year. By the beginning of March 2018, I want to be living in SEA, SA, or Europe. Bangkok is the most likely candidate at the moment, and a lot of that is because I went there earlier this year and loved it. However, I am still open to considering other areas. I would just need to travel and experience them first. I'm open to suggestion from anyone who has advice or recommendations as well.

Ultimately, I would like to give back to this forum for all it has given to me. Even though I do not have good game at the moment, the things that I have learned have been invaluable. A lot of my motivation for moving abroad and game came from the forum's posts. It would be nice to pay it forward to other guys who have the same issues.

It would also be cool to hang out with some of the guys here, given the opportunity.

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