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What would you do if you were in my shoes?

What would you do if you were in my shoes?

OP honestly I wouldn't get married for the wrong shitty reasons.

Absolutely get out of India and travel as much as you can.

People always LOVE taking photos you could make a killing out here, especially in Southern California.

Hell I'd probably pay you to help teach me how to use a camera if the rates were decent.

Think about how vain and attention whoring girls are - you could use camera game and pull hotties. Not to mention network and take photos at private events or parties.

Your photo talents are giving me all sorts of ideas of what you can do with it her.

Digital Marketing is YUGE out here as well, AND you're location independent ?

You can hope from country to country as you work, hell even pipeline photo courses for tourists and locals.

You've got 2 really good talents that are transferable anywhere, think about that.

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