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What would you do if you were in my shoes?

What would you do if you were in my shoes?

Hi all,

I'm amazed by all sorts of stories I read here. You guys make travelling and living off the beat lifestyle sound like it's so damn easy. So I thought I'd post my current situation here and see if I can get some advice as I feel kind of stuck.

Here are some details:

I'm a 30 year old, 6"2, fair skinned Indian (good looking & athletic). Most foreigners I meet never believe I'm Indian at first sight.

I've been self-employed for over 3 years now and consistently make around $2000 a month in profit running a photography training business and I also teach online marketing to MBA students.

Hobbies: Photography, Skateboarding, Drumming and Working out

The problem is that I've started to feel really out of place in India. I really don't get along with ANYONE. i'm just not traditional and conservative.

For instance, here, people are crazy about all sorts of festivals and I find them so FUCKING GAY that I don't even bother to reply when people wish me.

In fact I find my country's culture to be highly feminine in nature and just not cool at all in any way.

Another point that makes me want to pull my hair out is that fact that 99.9% of the people here just work towards one thing - that is to get married. It's like even the youth is just unwilling to move away from the past and firmly clinging to this stupid tradition just to keep their parents satisfied. These people are willing to spend a crazy amount of money on their weddings, something which can so easily be turned into a life-changing investment if used wisely.

And lastly, the women. I don't know where the myth of the beautiful Indian woman came from. I find them to be not only one of the most ugliest but really really unwitty, unintelligent, childish and sloppy in the way they groom. In fact my best friend here is a Kenyan female whom I consider to be way more attractive than any of my Indian female friends.

In fact the truth is that I find 99% of Indians to be super ugly, unhygenic and just super sloppy. If there ever was a survey on grooming and looking sharp and good, India would be at the bottom of the pile for sure.

So the bottom line is that I want to move out but haven't got the slightest clue on what to do. I know countries like Canada and New Zeland are the typical options Indians take but the difference for me is that I'm not from the STEM field. So it's almost impossible for me to migrate to another country just by applying via an immigration program.

My life in India is not bad and I get laid consistently (thanks to game and the ineptness of the guys here 99% of whom are beta beyond imagination) but I'm not growing any younger and the only way to keep it all going would be to eventually get married, which is almost unimaginable to me.

I've almost started to feel suffocated here. The only thing working for me is my professional life. I work only 8 hours on weekdays and around 20 hours on weekends. And the best part is that my work is almost location independent in the sense that I just need a laptop and internet. But since it's not an online class, I need to do the classes physically so I cannot travel and earn in a foreign country since it would require some kind of sponsorship or business license.

So if you were in my shoes, what would be the immediate steps you would take?
I'm particularly looking for some bold answers as I'm a very spontaneous person and usually don't like to think long term. So basically, what would be the quickest way to get out of this s***hole?

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