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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

Greetings Warriors,

I'm a London-based entrepreneur with an elite education, dedicated to personal growth and to making creative contributions at the leading edge of humanity. I believe that Western society has been abandoning the values and the people (Faustian man) who forged it and I am looking for companions who share my perspective.

Most people with my background are happy to be shuttled into position as cogs in the wheel of the extant power structure in return for meaningless financial and social trinkets. If you are a red-pilled man with considerable ability, a track record of achievement and want to build alliances with people who share your values then I'd love to hear from you.

I'll be spending time in Los Angeles later in the year, so any L.A. based people who fit that description should get in touch also. Thanks to Roosh and everyone on here.

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