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Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (04-10-2017 07:16 PM)Genghis Khan Wrote:  

Your story is such a great argument in favor of school vouchers. Reminds me of my own childhood. I started off in public school, but very quickly my parents realized it was a shithole and transferred me into a private school. The only reason I could even attend that private school was because my country has a school voucher system - approx. $10K per student who enrolls. It was a fantastic system. Shitty schools would inevitably close as students fleed, better schools stayed open. Free market at its finest. And the proof was in the pudding: my country consistently ranked at the top of the PISA rankings.

Ah, the U.S.

Indeed, once you adjust for race, US PISA scores are at the top or near the top. Asian Americans beat almost all Asian nations/locales, and White Americans beat the lion-share of European nations.


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