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How long and where to last with 300k

How long and where to last with 300k

Quote: (04-08-2017 11:59 PM)[email protected] Wrote:  

20 yr old Guy in Australia received a fully paid off house in Melbourne worth 400k (at the time) from his father. His father was marrying a new woman and starting a new family. He entrusted it to his son and said "good luck with your life.

Young man sells the house, takes the cash with him to Thailand where he learned to kickbox with the intention to go pro. Ten years pass, the young man is now 30 with a battered body, nothing to show for it. He returned to Australia with no skills, no cash and now works under my sister and makes 45k/year in Melbourne (which is not good) and rents living paycheck to paycheck.

Had this guy just kept the paid off house and got a job delivering pizzas his house would have appreciated in value easily over 1.5 million dollars in 2017. He would have been able to sell off the house and retire anywhere he wanted.

That pizza delivery scenario sounds miserable. With a little extra hustle he could have leveraged some side business while pursuing his dream in Thailand. If his injuries sidelined his pro dreams, he could have used that money to open up his own camp (he has skills, knows the business, and the the business of getting paid for farang dreams is pretty he himself demonstrates). He blew through 400k in Thailand...his fucked up pro career probably has more to do with partying than injuries. If he took the same work ethic to pizza delivery, he would have 3 OUIs, be unemployable, and lost the house anyway. And been miserable the whole time.

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