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Fixing lower back problems from sitting too much

Fixing lower back problems from sitting too much

Switching to a standing desk around seven or eight years or so ago, after back problems getting increasingly frequent through my twenties and early thirties, pretty much cured all issues within a few months. And that was without changing any other habits, including exercise (I walk a fair amount almost every day, but I also did that when I had back problems. No changes to lifting regiment until the last couple of years). I also threw out my back once or twice a year through the last half of my thirties, I can't remember that happening since.
While my shoulders, elbows and knees complain a hell of a lot more the last five years - mostly from lifting where I've had to modify a lot of habits and have now switched partially to bodyweight exercises - my back is much better at 40 than it was at 25 and 30.

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