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Fixing lower back problems from sitting too much

Fixing lower back problems from sitting too much

Quote: (03-31-2017 10:47 AM)Engineer Wrote:  

Quote: (03-30-2017 09:09 PM)komatiite Wrote:  

I saw somewhere to never foam roll the low back so I stick with those two mainly.

Can you or someone else elaborate? I love foam rolling my lower back, but don't want to mess it up if there is a solid reason against it. Thanks!

I had to dig deep into the recesses of my memory to find this! I saw it pretty recently luckily.

It's apparently controversial, some people say its ok. But here is a great reddit comment i saw:


One of the main ones is that your lower back doesn't have ribs connected to them and when you roll over the lower back, you put your entire bodyweight over the vertebrea and they will be moved anteriorly in a direction they were not meant to really go.
If someone has a history of lower back pain (especially due to a herniated disk), this can be extremely bad and cause a flare up, especially if one is overweight. (OTOH, some people will say they roll over their lower back all the time, but ask any physical therapist and they will tell you to not do it as well.)
Alternatives for your lower back pain:
Relax in a child's pose position,
Do some cat/cow movements and..
Stretch your hip flexors in a lunge because the HF's connect to the lower back and are often THE culprit for lower back pain due to their tightness.
Rolling over the GLUTES with a ball also provides excellent lower back pain relief as well.

Click the link for the follow up discussion and the links to other excersises.

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