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Fixing lower back problems from sitting too much

Fixing lower back problems from sitting too much

The sitting lifestyle has caught up to me in 2016 with bad lower back pain that usually started as soon as I woke up. From doing some research, the problem was linked to years of sitting down, which tightened some muscles and caused other to weaken.

Step 1: Stretch the psoas muscle. This muscle attaches to your lower back and wraps around to the front of your thigh. If you sit too much, it will be constantly contracted, shrinking in length and then pulling on your spine, causing pain. What helped me with doing doorway stretches every day (image C)

[Image: doorwaystretch.jpg]

Within a week I noticed a big difference. After roughly two months, the normal pain is completely gone. I also do short bridges, which is supposed to strengthen unused muscles.

[Image: 20141103070355-How-to-Perform-a-Bridge-E...1414998232]

Step 2: Fix anterior pelvic tilt. While my daily pain was gone, I noticed that I've have lower back pain if I stand for at least 2 hours. This is due to my lower back doing all the work while my glutes and abs take a rest thanks having a deformed tilt of the hip that is caused by excessive sitting. From looking at my profile, I can see how my hip tilts down to the front, causing my butt to stick out slightly.

[Image: Anterior%20Pelvic%20Tilt%20Guide%20and%20Treatment.jpg]

This is the most helpful video I found on fixing it:

Sitting for most of the day will definitely catch up with you eventually, but thankfully there are ways to fix it. Hope this helps anyone who has unexplained back pain.

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