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Senate Moves to Permanently Kill the FCC's Broadband Privacy Rules

Senate Moves to Permanently Kill the FCC's Broadband Privacy Rules

Where to begin with this one?

Well, where I won't begin is by refuting the points of members here supporting this, or condoning it in any kind of way. It is indefensible. The bickering can come later. I feel confident that I have not heard one single argument that holds water here from those who are not outraged, and shouting from the rooftops: we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it any more!

I'll outline a bit later in simple terms why this is a 'bad' thing, as opposed to a 'good' thing. As if you intelligent men need a dumbo like me to spell it out for you. But obviously you do. So I will. Later.

First, I just have to ask 'what the hell is going on here?'. Not sure. But my cognitive dissonance meter is flying off the charts.

[Image: cogdismeter1.png]

It's ok, I don't always agree with everything I think, and I'm sure a lot of what I believe is wrong. And I also respect the fact you have had the sheer brass balls to come out and even try to defend the indefensible. The people of the UK did nothing when our 'snoopers charter' went live. They just hid away as if nothing had happened. At least here we have some arguments that we can shoot down, about why this is a 'bad' thing.

There are no alien space ships to save us from ourselves or from our government. It’s down to us to seek and evaluate the truth, and there really are no shortcuts to positive change and progress. But we can take responsibilty to ensure that what we hold to be true and the decisions we make are fully and bravely informed.

It's ok. I get it. Trump is your boy. And you are seeing this as an attack on him personally. And that can not be allowed to happen, because if it did it would destroy his credibility in one fell swoop. You don't want to be seen demoralizing, black-pilling or doing anything to detract at this early stage from what still might turn out to be a turning point in your country's history. I think I know where you are coming from and I speak humbly and sincerely to you.

I believe I can help you out a bit.

Forget about the Trump connection. Now, I might have a fair bit of cognitive dissonance myself, but what I think is happening here is this: this has nothing to do with Trump. His hands are tied. More and more we are seeing the impotency of the station of the POTUS. Deep state and all that. No one can deny that it's just not as simple as that - as Trump clicking his fingers and a whole shadow government with the momentum of an out of control juggernaut, just coming to a screeching halt. Ain't gonna happen.

So first up, disassociate this travesty with Trump. It will help you think more clearly and focus on what is really going on here.

Let me ask you. If Hillary had got in, and she was behind such a cunt's trick such as this, would you not have openly called her a cunt? I think you would have. I think you would have been rightly outraged. But Trump is your boy, and you have loyalty to him. I get that. It is admirable.

Maybe Trump did have a hand in this. Maybe he is playing 20 million dimensional Chess and Go all at the same time. Maybe he is the only person in the world that knows what is going on. But those arguments are wearing thin now. Let go of the Trump association. I will give him the benefit of the doubt, and say that this was a decision that was made that he had no control over. Sure, it displays his impotency, and that gotta hurt a bit for an Alpha. But it's a better proposition than the fact that at the end of the day he is a fucking hypocrite and represents the very thing he claims to oppose. I know which option I would go for.

It's easier to fool a man, than to convince a man he has been fooled.

I don't think you have been fooled. I don't think your loyalty is misplaced and I don't think you have been wronged. But you have to start facing up to the fact that there will be many things ahead that will display the very divide that faces your country. This is the first thing, that has really got me thinking: did I make a monumental mistake here? No, I don't think I did. But that might be another type of cognitive dissonance on my part. I hope not.

The Trump haters are really loving this one. They see you as a laughing stock now. Talking about us here in the UK. Finally, we have something we can project and displace back at you, impotent fucks that we are. Cowards that we are. Now you are cowards too. See how it works?

Having said that. This article comes from the Register - an international but UK based 'Red Top'. You need to read this article, whether you read the comment or not is up to you. I suggest you don't. But if you work in IT then you absolutely must read this article:

I won't quote the most salient points as it covers many bases and I don't care what your job is in IT, someone somewhere will learn something from this. And those that don't work in IT will learn even more.

This is another article for you to digest:

I haven't read it, but it looks good on a quick skim. It basically covers the only real route that you have now: the use of VPNs. I'll finish up with that in a moment, but back to why this is a 'bad' thing.

Again, where to start?

Ok, you remember that time you got a bit bi-curious and thought you'd check out a bit of that tranny porn? Now, I know no upstanding heterosexual member of the RVF community would ever do such a disgusting thing, but I'm speaking to those that lurk as well. Well, now all those 'chicks with dicks' that you had a 6 hour marathon wanking session over, is common knowledge to the highest bidder. And that might just be the lady that lives next door to you that works in a job that can get access. In the future it will just be highest bidder.

We are constantly getting threats about 'your porn viewing habits will be for sale to the highest bidder in the future' articles in the UK papers. It's a psyop. Even if you aren't in to tranny porn, perhaps you like a bit of BDSM, or naughty schoolgirls. Naughty schoolgirls always go down well when applying for a teaching job. Who the fuck would employ someone who spent 3 hours wanking to a video called 'naughty schoolgirls get caught smoking outside the bike shed - sir spanks their tight little fannys red raw - and they can't get enough of it!'. I know I probably wouldn't, just to be safe, like.

That's the porn. It's available to future employers, and to those in authority anywhere, and to your neighbours for a price. Single man? Just moved in to a new area? Must be dodgy. Not on the sex offenders register but let's check out what smut he likes to spank it to and get the measure of him. "Oh, he's just in to a bit of tranny porn and nipple torture, I say we still invite him to the Sunday School BBQ".

Then there is your medical records. In the future they will also be available for a price. They are already being pimped out, in the name of anonymity, but there is no anonymity when cross-correlation takes over. That is already happening and will get worse. For now, it is just your google searches. All searches go through Google. It does not matter what fucking search engine you use. Google owns a substantial proportion of the backbone of the internet. Besides it is still the best search engine in existence by a country mile. And most people use it. Or use Chrome. Or Youtube. Or god forbid, all three.

Remember that time you searched for 'signs of cancer in an otherwise healthy penis'? Now, that wasn't even for you, it was for your bro' who didn't have an internet connection, but had some troubling signs. What about mental health? "Difference between major depression and severe depression". Again, not asking for you, but a relative going through a rough patch. Need I go on?

Congrats, that is all now marked down to you. Explain that away. That and your curiosity about what is actually involved in a sex change operation, just because, MRA you are, you want some facts for an upcoming article on RoK.

You are now a penis infested suicidal tranny in the eyes of your neigbour, future employer, next girlfriend. Good luck when she brings that one up over dinner: so, you like chicks with dicks? It's ok, I have a surprise for you, reach under the table...

And the thing is, I haven't even gone all 'reductio ad absurdum' yet. But your neighbours will, your future employer will, your future girlfriend will. And all those that you have not even taken in to consideration yet.

Get stopped at a traffic light with a big grin on your face? No problemo. Laptop comes out - dials in registration. 'Oh, we got a crusty penis'd kamikaze tranny on our hands here Officer B - I say we just let the shit-tard go on their way'. Might even go in your favour. Such is the law of unintended consequences.

Enough of all that. It's just too ugly.

You need to have a look at that article from the Register I linked to earlier:

And also you need to have a look at this up to date appraisal of the most trustworthy VPNs:

This is a stellar article and will steer you in the right direction.

You need to get VPN'd up to the eyeballs now. For your own protection as much as kicking against the pricks. Both of those things should be high on your list of priorities as a man with agency in the 21st Century clusterfuck we all find ourselves in.

This is a good article as well:

Don't read it and weep. Read it and get fucking livid! Then do something about it. The information is out there. As there is much information here on this very site. Anything by RVF member 'Valentine' is worth closer perusal - that boy knows his onions! He's not a pushy autistic geek, and he seems to have a very good real world balance with solid frame.

And last but not least, my impromptu 'meta-guide' to choosing and installing and testing a VPN. Oops, just went to do a search for it and google want to know if I am a bot or not. That never happens. Once a month maybe. What are they so fucking scared of? RVF is flagged by Google, it would seem.

It's all good. I just got a wider range or posts to share with you, from this good forum, all to do with VPN:

Have a gander.

You can find my shitty little guide here:

I hope now why you can see I felt no need to refute the individual arguments approving this move by the elites (tacitly or not).

I also hope that the info I've given along with the links I've provided, automatically refute those arguments anyway, which is why I preferred to take the time to broach a wider scope. They should do.

This day was always going to come. It's been planned and worked for for many years. It has taken the utmost ingenuity to implement it - to 'master the internet' - from chips that work without the power on while you sleep, to social engineering about pedophiles and false-flag terrorist incidents.

See the 'Digital Imprimatur' by John Walker:

They are prepared to see young children raped and tortured, they are prepared to let innocent people have their arms and legs blown off, en mass, all for one reason:

To control you, to strike fear in to you, so that you do not speak out.

Do not condone this. Do not endorse it.

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