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No-fap and female attraction: Leverage your game to the hilt

No-fap and female attraction: Leverage your game to the hilt

Quote: (03-09-2017 05:11 AM)btz Wrote:  

Quote: (03-09-2017 12:20 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

False and misleading advice.

Not one man, among the tens of thousands that has done NoFap (and has spoken about it) has reported hair loss.
In fact, the opppsite is true. Many report hair regrowth after years of hair loss.
If you want the benefits stay away from all medication.

some lose it, then it grows back, others have suffered permanent hairloss that continues to decline even after 2 years of 0 ejaculations.

Chinese nofap forum has an entire section dedicated to it:

1st, that last link is to a website written in Chinese. 90% of guys here won't be able to read it and verify if its content sounds legit or not. Do you speak Chinese btz ? Also, the fact it's from China is already a bad sign. The internet and message boards in China are fully monitored and censored by the authorities so even if it did sound legit I still would not trust it. But this brings me to an interesting point. Porn is illegal in China and they have both a very productive workforce and a high birth rate, so they are definetely masturbating a lot less than us.

2nd, the reddit link you posted links to various threads....many of which are started by a "trollish" type first posts and then loads of dudes piling in contradicting OP and saying nothing negative in regard to hair loss when doing NoFap. Meaning the overall consensus of trusted men doing this is still the same. There are zero negatives to NoFap except getting through the flatline stage.

3rd, the various medical and governmental links you posted on the benefits regarding medication. Yeah, they are legit, I will give you that. But these are the same "official" sources telling you things like vaccines have no harmful side effects on babies and climate change is real. More importantly, the pharamceutical industry has been pushing medications for decades to produce postive results in your own body that you can produce yourself without taking just takes longer. You can take pills to lose weight or you can be a man and work at it for months. I did it the hard way. Big pharma wants you hooked on that stuff like a drug pusher. But I assure you, most addictions and small mental/physical problems can be overcome without medication. This is why the placebo effect is real, documented and actually quite common.

4th, and most importantly. You have been on the forum for 2 years and have only 39 posts to your name. Yet, I notice you have a long history of endorsing various online pharamacies, defending medical procedures such as plastic surgery for men, and generally talking very often about various niche medications which you seem to know a lot about (including exact dosage and the exact price which you always remember to include in your posts). Do you work in that industry ?

My advice to men reading this post remains the same. Real inner healing takes both time and work on yourself improving both your lifestyle and habits. Using medication for shortcuts just shifts your addictions and does not bring lasting change.

Most important of what thousands of other REAL men are experiencing and talking about....not what the government and medical establishment is telling you. Their track record in giving information which is beneficial to men's health is abysmal and I will never trust them again.

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