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New York (Where to live?)

New York (Where to live?)

This is for the people obsessing about logistics:

As long as you live in Manhattan, you have nothing to worry abt re. logistics. By the time a girl is ready to go back to your place, all you need is a quick cab ride. She won't give a fuck where you live. My buddy living in a crap apartment on the 6th floor of a walk up in Brooklyn had no trouble whatsoever re. logistics, pulling women from the LES/EV back to his place. Same for my dates - NYC ain't LA where gettin around is a pain in the ass. You can get to anywhere from anywhere in Manhattan in about 15 mins tops, if it's late at night and you're taking a chic home. Besides, there's so many options in just about every neighborhood that the smart move is to set up dates somewhere nice that's within 5 - 10 minutes walking from your place. That's how I do it and it works out quite well. There is an abundance of options - wine bars, restaurants, etc - all over Manhattan, so this is almost trivial to pull off.

In summary: don't sweat logistics in Manhattan. The vast majority of the people that go out to the Meatpacking/SoHo/EV/LES etc don't live there; it doesn't stop people at all from hooking up. Focus instead on the best value for your money, some place that's close to work and that you vibe with.

But yeah, your monthly rent budget needs to be adjusted downwards.

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