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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

Totally new to all of this so here goes -
44, living in North Georgia, about an hour north of Atlanta.
coming out of a 17 year dry spell in which I didn't even bother dating and just focused on raising my kids.
I've got pretty serious approach anxiety and social anxiety in general and don't have any game at all so I'm starting at close to zero.
I'm working hard on bettering myself. I took care of my diet and now I'm 5'7" 125 lbs and I'm hitting the gym 4-5 days a week. I'm balding so I said fuck it and shaved my head.
I started taking a weekly improv class and social dance classes and I'm trying to do the "smile and say hello" thing to work on social anxiety.
I've audiobooked 3-4 books and am reading Bang! right now. Honestly reading pick-up / game material feels like drinking from a water hose.
I just started doing the Christian Gray Challenge over the weekend; I'm not sure where to go for Day 2 to be honest. Going to the mall and asking where a good Chinese place is seems dumb.

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