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Is Writing A Talent? Want To Improve My Writing

Is Writing A Talent? Want To Improve My Writing

Quote: (02-08-2017 03:04 PM)Hoser Wrote:  

Weambulance, not only are "faux" and "nonsense" redundant, your argument fails to persuade.

If you don't regularly return to things you published some time ago and think "I could have written that better", you're not at the level I'm discussing, and are merely either parroting another or ejaculating your own nonsense into the thread.

A master artist or craftsman of any kind cringes upon inspecting his earlier works. It was Hemingway, I think, who in his later years opined regretfully that no one under 50 should write a book. It was definitely he who stated, "I write one page of masterpiece to ninety-one pages of shit. I try to put the shit in the wastebasket."

WRITING has always been easy for me. Writing at a level that satisfies ME is difficult. It's a lifelong pursuit for those serious about it. Perhaps these anecdotes illuminate my previous assertion.

You certainly have a high opinion of yourself. Pretentious twaddle of the sort you push does quite a lot of harm to budding writers, but keep up the good work, I guess.

I'd never heard that particular bit of "wisdom" from Hemingway, but if that's truly what he said, against all odds my opinion of the man just dropped even more.

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