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The Hillary Clinton thread

The Hillary Clinton thread

Women think their path to power is a given. I have never heard the response to how you deal with the monopoly of force men have. With this monopoly comes great responsibility as we are tasked to maintain order. Women only gain power for short periods during calamity and disorder. Technology won't fix that unless women design robots to control everybody.The only time women lead the way is during war when men are off and far away shedding blood. This is all just musing just incase Hillary knows something we all don't.

The clear path would of been WWIII with her in power and likely advancements by Google and tech to control us with technology if she became POTUS, that is what she was supposed to be put in place to do - war with Russia and inflame the ME fully into holy war activation. That was the seeds she was planing while at StateDept. This was never by her own sick and twisted ideology, it was only because somebody knew her price and could tap into her marriage of wanting to become POTUS. A cheap whore looking for the best fix and willing to open up to whomever can give it to her

In the end i dont ever buy the notion of a female future as there has never been a female past. Every group of men globally has had a turn at being giants for some period of time. Women have never had a shot and it is purely because they can't promise or maintain any order. They are dependent on that from men and always will be. When that ends we end as species .. I don't know how one can see it any other way.

Woken would of had a much easier time ruling over men back in the day as they lived longer and had smaller less educated men to deal with. Women never took over then eBay makes them think it will happen now?

All the end goal of feminism anyhow which is the destruction of the monopoly f free by men so oligarchs can rule with no challange.

Advocating for this is advocating for the end of civilization and mankind as we know it.

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