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Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Game isn't one single factor. It's a combination of attitude, looks, height, style, voice, money, status, education etc.

You'll find some outliers, but the rule is women like tall, rich, handsome, masculine men of high status. That 10 you see with a biker - I bet the biker is a leader in the gang. He has status. If it's an outlaw gang then he has money too. I bet he's not the scrawny gopher in the gang.

More money never hurts as long as you know how to play. Out of 10 girls, maybe two would prefer the starving artist over the successful businessman. After a couple of years those two will get sick of the losers and look for a provider.

Sure some hot girls like brokesters, just like you'll see some with midgets, fat guys, nerds etc. Those are the exception, not the rule. Stop hamstering.

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