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Is Writing A Talent? Want To Improve My Writing

Is Writing A Talent? Want To Improve My Writing

If you're journaling, you might as well be posting on a blog to build your audience, plus get feedback from your readers.

Writing is a highly energy-consuming business if you want to do it well, and do it for the long-term. The way to thrive is to pick the genre you have the most knowledge with, and focus intently on becoming an expert in that field. You have to pick something that you have passion for, otherwise it will just be a grind. When writing becomes a grind, then the results are usually poor.

Writing coherently isn't easy. That being said, it is best to get it out while you think about it, and give it literally a half-dozen passes worth of editing later. Don't lose out on great ideas. Put them in outline format first, then flesh out from there. I use Evernote for that, works great. You be all the mistakes you'll catch, or ways you can improve clarity when you go back and make editing your focus after several revisions. Don't get hung up on the perfect draft, get it down on paper and start refining from there. I always recommend outlining and story arcing before you write. You need structure to your writing, and these tools help keep you in line.

I also recommend this book: On Writing Well by Zinsser. Great book for non-fiction writing. Consider it your bible. Helped me a lot, because I suffered from the same problem of sometimes not tying the major themes together well. There's lots of meat to chew on there. I've never written fiction, so I can't comment on that process.

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