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WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

Am I the only one that thinks "the lesser evil" and some jackass that calls himself "sexter" (god what a lame name for a guy that can't close the deal) are the same person?

And why is everyone defending game? Our own empirical evidence proves this guy is wrong.

The only real question is; What type of person, can study all this game knowlege and be so fucking tragically abysmal at meeting women?

Answer; some physically repugnant male that simply cannot make up for his physical handicap with game. He should thank his lucky stars for game that he's gotten laid at all.

Was there an ounce of humor in his reviews? Even the biggest newb on this forum while complaining about oneitis can comp up with a few smirking remarks. This guy sounds like a he's writing about stereo instruction manuals.

Obviously the exception to the rule and not worth considering IMO.

Tuth had it nailed, classic race troll.

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