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Beta and White Knight Thread

Beta and White Knight Thread

So I called B today, just to make sure that I had the story right, and to see where he was with Girl. I had some minor facts wrong, which don't really matter, but I found out that the story of how he found she was planning to rob the place was even worse than I thought. I no longer have any pity for B. I am totally disgusted. I will keep calling him once in a while just to see the end of this miserable saga, but I'm more or less done with him. I don't want to hang out with a man who has so little self-respect. Once again, in 4chan greentext format, this is the TRUE story of how B found out the girl he was living with was planning to rob him, and what he did...

>For several weeks, Girl has been living rent-free in B's house.
>While Girl is living there, she is going out with and fucking another guy, while claiming that she is "deciding" between Other Guy and B. (She tells B, "You would make a great boyfriend.")
>Finally, some inkling of self-respect stirs within B's mind, and he demands Girl move out (at some unspecified point in the future)
>The day after, B is taking a shower. He remembers something he has to do and ends his shower earlier than usual.
>As he goes to open the bathroom door, B hears girl talking in a loud voice.
>"Oh yeah. Yeah, you can come by between 3:00 and 5:00, that's when B's at work. If you steal all his stuff, I won't get in trouble because I'm lawfully allowed to be here. When you do, you can steal some of my money too, so it looks like I was robbed as well."
>B yells through the door, "I heard what you're saying."
>Girl tells B that she wasn't planning to rob HIS house. She was planning on robbing another house. Girl has no money, she says, so it's okay for her to rob houses.
>Even B doesn't believe this obvious lie.

Here's a transcription of our conversation at this point.
Sam: "So what happened then? She tells you this obvious lie, and what do you do? Do you call the cops right away?"
B: "No. We go a few places."
Sam: "You go a few places? Like where?"
B: "To get a haircut, and to get some food."
Sam: "You took places in your car, instead of kicking her out? After she told you she was trying to rob your house?"
B: "...Yes."
Sam: "................Where'd you go for food?"
B: "Chipotle."

At this point, a horrible possibility suggests itself to me.

Sam: "I thought you said she doesn't have any money. Did she pay for it herself?"
B: ".....................No."
Sam: "..................."
Sam: "..................."
Sam: "..................."
B: "..............Yes."

In the course of the conversation, he told me that he had "fallen" for her, and that even if everyone else told him that was he was doing was stupid, he couldn't help himself. I told him that this was a bullshit excuse.

Guys, I don't know what to do. I want to be loyal to my friend. I've known this guy for years. But I'm also a firm believer that you are the average of all your friends, and I'm worried about what effect hanging out with a guy like this is going to have on me. (I was already so upset after this call that I missed my workout for the day.)
Am I disloyal if I just block the guy's number and never talk to him again? How far do obligations toward a friend go? Is there a point where, even if he isn't doing anything to harm you, you just have to cut your losses?

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