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WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

Quote: (01-22-2012 06:02 AM)ao85 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2012 04:19 AM)misterstir Wrote:  

^From what I've seen in places like Angola this is simply not the case. The Chinese do not use the European model of trade where a bunch of foreigners come with skills and keep those skills to themselves and take all the profit and pay a small royalty. From what I've seen the majority of money goes to african governments who do business with china, which is also why all the iraq and afghan contracts went to China. They will build all the oil infrastructure and hand over most the money to these governements because they have an incentive for cheap oil. The oil money they forgo is nothing compared to the benefits they get from cheap transportation cost by exporting everything to the west. Ironically Portugal is trying to borrow money from Angola now, so I'd say they seem to be getting a fair deal.

That's why I also said locals too. Obviously they have to buy off the local government to keep the commodities flowing. The question, though, is whether the government redistributes enough of it to the population to stave off resentment of the foreigners.

Quote: (01-22-2012 11:19 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2012 07:02 PM)G Trooper Wrote: the poster. What site is that from??

It's a meme I made on quickmeme a while back to fight back against Race Trolls on this forum. I've made several, and other random people have jumped on them too.

Quote: (01-22-2012 04:22 AM)misterstir Wrote:  

Can someone explain to me why an short man (who are dispropotionately rich according to the us census - average income 75k) would have trouble landing a women in the land of gold digging women aka L.A? I've not been there, but on the surface it doesn't seem to make sense

You've made a conclusion about a specific place based on a silly stereotype that isn't even true and without anything to support your conclusion (an actual visit or, at least, anecdotal evidence from people you know)? Do you really think that LA is filled with smoking-hot girls willing to set aside physical shortcomings for $25,000 extra in annual salary?

Quote: (01-23-2012 09:35 AM)P Dog Wrote:  

This kinda stuff makes me laugh. My surname happens to be Portuguese on both sides of my family (remnants of their colonization).

Hell, in thirty years as Africa's population bulges in the economically active middle aged, it would be hilarious to see say: the Congo bailing out Belgium. Or South Africa bailing out Britain. The tragedies in the Congo and the concentration camps during the Boer wars aren't funny at all, but the whole idea of the "dark continent" being Europe's boss amuses me in many sick ways. I have a dark sense of humour (no pun intended).

Quote: (01-23-2012 02:26 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (01-23-2012 09:35 AM)P Dog Wrote:  

Hell, in thirty years as Africa's population bulges in the economically active middle aged, it would be hilarious to see say: the Congo bailing out Belgium. Or South Africa bailing out Britain. The tragedies in the Congo and the concentration camps during the Boer wars aren't funny at all, but the whole idea of the "dark continent" being Europe's boss amuses me in many sick ways. I have a dark sense of humour (no pun intended).

Doesn't Africa has a long way to go if it is going to surpass or even get close to Europe. I know alot of Africa was colonized, the resources were taken to other countries, and the people were used as slaves. This is precisely why I believe their development was stunted in the first place.

Isn't a little far fetched to say that Africa is going to be "bailing out" or ruling over a Europen country. I realize that you said "in 30 years". Maybe its possible, I'm thinking more like 300 years.

I'm asking this from a purely intellectual standpoint. Its a very romantic idea to think that the former slaves would one day "save" or "bail out" the former slave owners, but I think we are a few centuries away from that.

Quote: (01-23-2012 12:52 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

it is simply karmic. The world has a funny way of balancing things out over time.

So you believe in "karma"? It's curious to me to hear an educated man like yourself discuss karma. Why do you believe this? What evidence have you seen that led you to believe in this concept?

I'm asking out of intellectual curiosity..

Have you studied it in school? Does science support this force known as "karma"?

I'm asking you because I know you are Ivy league educated.

Please explain.

Edit: I see that ElJefe asked Athlone a similar question. Athlone provided historical examples of people losing or gaining power.

Was power gained or lost due to "karma"? Or was it just due to the circumstances of the day?

Do the sins of our ancestors really effect us in this "meta-physical" way?

Is there any evidence to suggest that anybody at anytime gained or lost power due to "karma".

Quote: (01-23-2012 03:33 PM)ElJefe Wrote:  

Dude, your examples are... strange.

Greece a super-power? What? Cultural super-power, yes... but they fell apart as soon as they got big.

Those Native American civlizations were wiped out by European powers and small-pox. They never had a chance.

Seriously, anybody could go on TV and say Empires rise and fall.. it's the one thing ANYONE can say with absolute certainty. This back and forth thing you indicate by writing "balancing" doesn't fit. Big general statements are hopelessly inaccurate like that... you'd want to take a look at each situation.

By the way... the episode about medicine relates to Africa:

As for the blog - I'm not so sure. If Chinese intentions are pure, why do they keep supporting bloody-minded dictators in the UN or North Korea? I think Chinese foreign police is malignant, as far as the West is concerned, and has a long-term goal of securing Chinese hegemony and world domination - political and economic.

You could be right, then please correct my inaccurate view

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