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How resurgent libertarianism sprung from a lack of masculinity.

How resurgent libertarianism sprung from a lack of masculinity.

Quote: (01-10-2017 07:45 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Well I got to thinking "where did my love of libertarianism spring from" and when I dug deeply and honestly I realised something personally profound. That I had surrendered all paternal control of my society and fallen back to a position where I demanded everyone else behave as weakly as I was".

That's correct. In my society where all people are granted rights while being simultaneously bound by mutual obligations, I had become so disenfranchised, so disempowered and emasculated that I had relinquished all engagement. I had effectively pushed away from the table and said "I don't want to play any more".

Laughable in hindsight. Society is not going to let me play by different rules and widespread libertarianism exists only in the fevered dreams of socially reclusive hermits. I was in effect relinquishing power while failing to free myself of the burdens associated with my citizenship. All of the calories and none of the taste.

This is an interesting idea, but I'm not 100% sure I'm following it. Can you explain more about what you mean by "behaving weakly"?

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