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Extreme AA

Extreme AA

Reporting back in.

I decided the club scene was not a good scene for a guy like me right now. I went with a simpler approach. I approached a cute blonde girl in my chemistry lab, we talked a bit. I found myself making some mistakes in hindsight, like speaking a bit too fast/being too interested at times. I had to continually remind myself to speak slower.

When we talked about some other crap, like her being in beauty school and her seeing a guy get a Brazilian. It was then she admitted openly that she likes to get them as well (WTF?), essentially revealing to me, a near-stranger her pubic situation. I made a joke of it, saying if she tells everyone about her situation including strangers. "I don't really mind/care." was her response. I'm probably overthinking this, but does that even mean anything?

Anyways, how should I proceed? I am fine with being friendzoned, after all, I am still learning. Keep in mind, I do not want to come off as a creeper, there are other guys that have stared at her, and given looks my way, even though it was a short conversation.

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