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Mexico City Data Sheet

Mexico City Data Sheet

I'm in Mexico - I'm loving this place. I've been to Mexico before but I'm really enjoying this trip. Mexico City seems to be lovely in a way - full of cool people. Just don't expect anyone to arrive on time, haha.

I went out my first night after landing and got some tacquitos near my place - lovely. I ate a bunch of food with a Coke and with the Mexican peso being what it is, it cost only $7.

I took a flight the next day to another city in Mexico and got talking with the abuelita sitting next to me. She was traveling with her daughter (they're on vacation) but live in DF. The abuelita loved me and was very keen to introduce me to her daughter - how could I resist? We all met up that night and had seafood dinner near the beach, with beers and rum. I'm loving this country already.

I'll be in DF presently if anyone cares to meet for a drink.

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