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Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 04:11 AM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 04:05 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

2017 will be marked as the year a conservative black man with a large following told white people that they "need to go out and wipe out these niggers".

That same black man in 2017 will be told he is transracial for his internalized black hatred.

Law abiding blacks are a fallout victim of thug culture. Non-whites don't know whether to trust them or not walking down the street at night, because the thugs have everyone scared shitless.

This + the media fall b.s. is one of the major reasons why Im not planning on returning to the U.S. anytime soon. I feel this is going to get a lot worse. That and the fact that I support Trump, they would just shoot me.

Isaiah 4:1

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