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Mexico City Data Sheet

Mexico City Data Sheet

Just got into DF, super busy with my business right now and trying to sign a lease, but would love to meet up with some fellow rooshers.

God I love this fucking city man I just signed up for a beautiful coworking space today that has 100mbps/100mbps fibre. You can't get that shit anywhere else in Latin America. Had a delicious 3 course lunch for $2.50US in Roma. Signed up for the nicest gym in town for $85US a month no contract. Man mexico city is such a deal right now with the peso in the toilet. I can't wait to move my remote team to an in-person team here in DF. I will have my work harem and my play harem, or maybe mix the two?

Just wondering whatsup with Tinder, the girls seem to have gotten WAY skinnier and hotter from what I remember, but also getting way less matches compared to 2014,2015. I thought this was just a SE asia thing, appears gringo dick has lost some lustre south of the border too. Maybe takes a few days to get me rolling thru the system. we'll see, either way just got off a 7 day mini vacation relationship with beautiful girl in Playa del carmen so not too horny for the next couple days until the "itch" comes back jaja.

I know the girls here aren't as pretty as Colombians or Brazilians but all the other benefits outweight the cons I think, plus there are still plenty of 7s and 8s running around town.

LatinoHeat (Former username "FrankieCred")

Quote:Steelex Wrote:  
I think that making a girl your whore lightning fast is the best way to bulldoze and bypass all that flakey, annoying, shit testing crap. Girls don't shit test guys that fuck their ass cheeks black and blue.

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