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Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-12-2016 11:35 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

A fundamental problem with America is that it will not be able to make adjustments that are in the "interest of the state", in comparison with countries that have more leeway and autonomy to invoke it's own interests (China, Russia, etc.), due to political correctness. If we can fix this PC phase, we might stand a chance at reversing this problem, before it hits the point of no return. Freedom costs. For every faggot dancing around producing nothing, it probably takes 4-6 more people taking care of business to sustain this. Problem is, gays are not the only people not contributing enough. Plenty straight people are not taking care of home (USA). They would rather worship stupid animals day and night (cats and dogs).

Great stuff, Kai.

I'm always hopeful, but deep down, I "know" it ain't gonna happen. I asked God for one last win, we got it ... but the Empire started its decadence phase long ago, sadly. I promised I wouldn't ask for more, and I won't.

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