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WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

WoW!! 5000 Approaches! The sad and Painful truth about the Pick up industry...

First of all-this guy started out in a 10 foot hole when, being a self described 5"7", average looking, Filipino he decided to approach almost entirely white women. Why? Why not Asian women? I'm white and I approach Asian women. He was self sabotaging as many failures do. Not to say that this type of guy can't succeed with white women but from my observation they begin with a disadvantage and need something extra- a great personality, high status, or badass-ness to attract white girls. Obviously, he has none of these.

I bet if you talked to guys who know him, they could tell you right away what his problems are- as others noted- either a spergy personality (admittedly hard to remedy), crappy appearance, bad body language, overly high voice, wussing out on the escalation, etc.

The crux of the issue though is his failure to internalize game as demonstrated by the whole tone of the article itself. He remains a beta, so of course trying to run alpha game is going to come off as incongruent, because it is incongruent. And girls can sniff this out a mile away.

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

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