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Were you a bully at school?

Were you a bully at school?

Quote: (12-13-2016 05:55 PM)Comte De St. Germain Wrote:  

One thing I realized after a while was that anyone that was bullied was well deserving of it in my neck of the woods.

That's an interesting thought, I can't say I disagree. In elementary school, I was often bullied and mocked for being a fatass. It wasn't a nice experience, as all that mocking made sure to keep my self-confidence non-existant. I hated myself for being fat. It seems that in a weird turn of events, all that self-hatred pushed me to begin losing weight, and many years later, to hit the gym. Now I'm decently fit, in the best shape of my life, and I don't intent to stop any time soon.

So it maybe that all those guys who were constantly making fun of my man-boobs actually did me a favor.

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