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Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

I don't understand why anyone here believes it takes elite private schools and connections to make it in this world. That's a leftist rationalization for why economic mobility tends to be low, and it's a myth. Sure, you can probably find some study purporting a correlation between schools' pricetags and their students' life outcomes, but correlation does not imply causation. Only high-IQ elites can afford to send their kids to swanky private schools, and children tend to turn out like their parents. Nothing remotely groundbreaking. The surest path to success in life is as follows:

Step 1: Do reasonably well in high school.
Step 2: If you did well enough to earn a scholarship at a 4 year college, go there and enjoy some well-earned fun making friends and chasing pussy. Otherwise, start out at community college which is fairly inexpensive.
Step 3: Study a practical field that isn't oversaturated with aspirants, and maintain a decent GPA.
Step 4: Apply for jobs until you get one.
Step 5: Don't blow massive amounts of money on bullshit you don't need.

It really is that simple. I spent my entire educational career at mediocre public schools, never had any sort of private tutor, never had a connection help get me a job, and I now earn more money than I know how to spend while most of my peers are busy digging out of debt and complaining about how the system is rigged against them.

My case is not unique. Almost everyone I know with a good job and good life never attended an expensive private school, and went into fields they had zero connections in. From my observations, there are only 3 things a child needs to be given in order to maximize his/her probability of success:

1. A high IQ
2. An upbringing in a safe neighborhood
3. Involved parents who stress hard work and responsibility

#1 and #3 have nothing to do with money, and #2 is affordable to anyone who isn't dirt poor. Don't buy into this nonsense that raising a couple of children is economically infeasible for most people in one of the most affluent societies ever to exist. Stalin hits the nail on the head that any middle class and up couple who believes they can't afford children is incredibly misguided as to what it takes to raise a successful adult. If you're wiling to spare the time to instill proper values in your child, you've already accomplished more than $500K worth of private schooling ever could.

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