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Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities


My wife can teach math waaay better than me. I obviously like writing and it is my strength. Right now, my kid is speaking Chinese and English, which is step one.

I am OK with the math until the later years. I haven't done an integral or non-linear differential equation since college. Frankly, I wasn't that proficient at it.. I never really "got" it. I at least have two good school choices (one public-magnet) starting in grade 9. The school is particularly hard to get into though if you are Indian, Asian, or White. My wife plans to teach our son Thai.. which I am not sure how that will stick if all his friends speak English.


There is at least 2 private Christian schools in my area ran by a Chinese church that I want to look into later on. I got a short list of other Christian schools, but nothing jumps at me, except the price possibly.

The Christian schools by me are Catholic, but you don't have to be Catholic to send your kid there. I'll take a look at them. I have a bad personal experience as a kid (got sent to a protestant religious school when I was really little) that has been burned into my memory. So I have a bias against religious education.


The only serious issue I hate, is the property taxes for Texas area schools is getting extremely out of hand. You cannot avoid them if you own a house. Problem is that all these stupid tax bonds just end up getting wasted or spent on bigger football stadiums. It's ridiculous. I wish I could direct my taxes for that into schooling of my choice somehow.

Looks like Texas is getting the NJ disease. Until the 1970s we like Texas had no income tax. An income tax was implemented to defray the school costs (paid by property taxes). Now we have really high property and income taxes.. and the schools here spend about $23k per student per year.

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