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Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 11:51 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

No one is talking about iPads when they say how expensive it is to have kids now. They're talking about the exorbitant costs it takes to simply avoid having your children sitting in a classroom at age 8 where half of the other children will have criminal records by the time they're 18.

This is only true if you accept the false paradigmn that you need a job to be successful, and that good jobs only exist in cities.

Both of these are false.

You don't need a job to be successful. As Enigma pointed out, you can easily make 50k+ a year with no formal education. Furthermore, you can do it and live anywhere you want.

Move out of the cities like LA, Chicago, and NYC, and suddenly your "right zip code" problem simply disappears. Bonus: Housing costs plummet as well.

Cities are great if you're single and looking for new pussy. If you're married with kids, the appeal is greatly diminished.

This "you need to be rich to raise kids in a respectable environment" argument is [Image: tard.gif]

There is an entire country outside these sardine cans. Stop confining yourself to 5% of the US.

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