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Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

I agree with John Galt.

A lot of guys in here sipping the koolaid.

What does a kid need an iPad for? They don't. In fact, I'd argue that it's a huge NEGATIVE to expose their developing mind to that kind of unnatural stimulation.

Give the fucker a $50 bike and a few action figures and tell him to go play outside.

Hell, why does a parent need an iPad? It's like a 5-year-old technology and suddenly it's a necessity for life. You've been led to believe that your life was somehow meaningless before iPhones and iPads.

Why does a kid need $15k a year private school? So he can get into an "elite" college, spent 4+ years being brainwashed, be a "professional", and slog away their entire life as part of the rat race?

The reason these "professionals" need private school in the first place is because they spend so much time working that they're not able to raise their children.

Meanwhile there are freelancers with no formal degree making hundreds of dollars an hour to fiddle around on the computer, then spend the other 20 hours of the day doing nothing.

The job market is completely different than what it was even 10 years ago. Your kid doesn't need college to be successful, and they don't need private school to get into college even if they wanted to go.

What happens when your kid turns 18, you've shelled out hundreds of thousands on "private school", and they decide they want to go to some mid-tier college that anyone with decent grades can get into? Or they don't want to go to college at all?

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