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Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 10:29 PM)Kona Wrote:  

There's a 5 five year old with 50k worth of education at my house right now. 15k a year preschool, and her kindergarten now is 20k by the end of this year. That's not to mention all the toys and clothes and bikes and iPads and all the stuff that goes with kids.

What a waste of money.

I grew up in a family of very modest means. Still more intelligent than the vast majority of my peers. Indeed, I'd wager I'm brighter than 85% of the US population.

You can't buy intelligence. It's mostly genetic. If the kid is born smart, he'll be smart. If he's born dumb, you can throw all the cash you want at him, he'll still be dumb.


John Galt I take it you dont have kids, but I bet you used to be one. I felt the same way you did until I got much more involved in raising my nieces/nephews. It truly takes a village these days, just to cover the costs. But these kids are great, and it makes me regret all the abortions I've paid for.

Kids can be great with or without money. I'd argue that spoiling children only leads to a shit personality and a "I want it NOW mentality." In fact, the millennial generation proves this in spades. Kids don't need a fucking iPad. Hell, I barely use the two I own.


And regarding medical insurance, again, I'm sure you were a kid once. You think school is expensive, go to a pediatrician. You absolutely need medical insurance for kids. You can keep your precious little angel as healthy and gluten free as possible but somebody else always sends their kids to school with strep throat. Then you need a doctor note to get back into the 20k a year school.

Health savings account. Even if the doctors visit in $300, you can afford that a lot cheaper 3 times year than insurance costs.

This is the one point I will concede on though. Sure, if you get cancer, a few hundred bucks won't cut it. But I'll take my risks on that.

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