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Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 02:33 PM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  

How many of those birth are covered in one form or another of government assistance? i.e. WIC That is the number I want to know.

Right here. Government subsidies incentivize having multiple children for poorer people.

If you are a single woman or single man you get no access to subsidies. However, pop out a kid an now you can get EITC credits, subsidized housing, free daycare, free school lunches, food stamps, free medicare for everyone in the household. Lets not forget to mention child support for the single moms.

Those subsidies also increase with more children up to an income of about $36k. This is even more important for illegal immigrants as their US born children open the door for the subsidies as well.

So, think about the people you know making under 36, and more likely around 24k/year, especially multiple generational families making that income. How many kids to they have, regardless of ethnicity. My poor inlaws in the midwest fit this bracket, and are white and have like 4 kids each. The poor people in the trailer parks here are white. Thats just in pockets though, across the US, what is the ethnic makeup of the poor in america. Its only 9% white. So....if the poor are 91% non white, and there are incentives to have kids if you are poor. This statisitic is not surprising

2nd. point @ Roosh's post

I suspect humans have a built-in suicide switch. When life becomes too comfortable for groups of them, they stop reproducing, because they are too far out of the scope of nature that mostly dictates survival. Whites have been doomed by their own success, but if you track birth rates of immigrants to USA, you'll see they become less fertile in time too, suggesting that no race is immune to the "poison" of comfort. The West has become metaphoric birth control for human beings, which is why I don't have much confidence that it will be saved.

The poison of comfort is also a moral one. Decadent societies also become amoral/atheist. If there is no point to life besides the now and yourself then children only cut into your consumer spending power, and thus your self indulgence.

Contrast that with evangelical christians around where I live. They are all about having big families to give glory to god and provide future generations to spread the word, and they are for the most part middle class to affluent. They also have a culture where the wife gains status in the church by popping out a lot of kids, vs being a dick a holic, social media whore.

So, I agree with the poison of comfort but its a combination of having the affluence to self indulge and the cultural norms where maximal indulgence/comfort is the highest status form of living.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

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