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Amazon Go - shopping without a human checkout process

Amazon Go - shopping without a human checkout process

Quote: (12-07-2016 06:26 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

It is the future. I expect the car manufacturers to corner a significant share of the market as a lot of the tech for it is already there for driverless cars. Supermarkets will welcome it, as they spend vast sums currently on retail analytics, and this is a far more efficient and foolproof means of collecting the data. Not to mention all the efficiency savings associated with this. Essentially the customer will be bringing the checkout, receipt paper&ink, and the retail analytics hardware with them when they come to the store. It'll be about 5 years before it starts to gain traction, but I think it's a question of 'when' not 'if'. A real game changer.

People are daft if they latch onto driverless cars on mass.
Computers fail.
Computers glitch.
Computers can fail or glitch without notice.
You won't get a chance to simply "turn it off & on again" while you're crashing along at 50miles an hour.

Count me out. Bahumbug.

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