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Amazon Go - shopping without a human checkout process

Amazon Go - shopping without a human checkout process

Paracelsus - as much as I agree with some of your points.

Convenience and the drive for convenience also created many great inventions like starting with the wheel, even fire, electricity, individual cars, internet etc.

It is up to us to understand what is worth the risk. For example - the internet: the globalists have access to every one of your thoughts and musings, your search history early on. If you truly think that they cannot link your IP address, your location, who pays the bills of your net provider with your very person in a supreme databank, then I am afraid you have some more learning to do. The globalists have a shadow you online and it records everything you say or do online. And they certainly don't share much with the cops or FBI - even if you actually murder someone and this could solve the crime. Why should they share the info when a serf kills another serf?

Either way - despite all that you do not refrain from using the internet because it is a good way of finding information about life and our reality. You could go the old route and sift through books and old newspapers, borrow or buy all possible information in hardcopy, but that process would take much longer and be more costly. It is CONVENIENT to use the internet.

It is also convenient to inform yourself about proper food preperation, about supplementation and live even more healthy than the people of the 1940s. Technology is a two-edged sword and always was.

But of course you are right - Amazon may indeed one day cut off your food-supply and your access to the net will be voided as well for saying something nasty on Twitter. This is already starting to happen as folk are found on no-fly lists for various bogus reasons. And they will never fly commercially again.

It is interesting that in some countries like Switzerland one of the fastest growing food retail businesses are local organic farmers who sell their merchandise directly on their farms. They use the internet to market their shops and people drive for 30-60 minutes only to reach that one place where they buy raw milk, fresh local meat or fresh veggies. The government contrary to the US does not restrict them so far.

Frankly the best way is to simply approach technology with an open mind, but draw your line somewhere and then defend it as much as possible.

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