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I'm moving to Mexico

I'm moving to Mexico

Quote: (11-29-2016 12:48 PM)Kale_anonymous Wrote:  

Quote: (11-29-2016 01:22 AM)frankiecred Wrote:  

Quote: (11-26-2016 09:10 AM)coverdoc Wrote:  

Bill Brasky has the right idea. I lived in Mexico City(CDMA/DF) for ~6 months as well. I was trading stocks, studying and gaming the entire time. You have to realize that mexico city is packed and like Bill stated a lot of bitches are ugly, but with so many people even 2% of attractive women could mean a lot of women at your disposal. Most Mexicans don't approach outside their social circle anyway so it's a gold mine in terms of game.

I lived in Monterrey for about a month before moving to DF. The quality of women were better, but outside game, I found MTY to be boring very fast, especially during the weekday. I wouldn't recommend going there as it's a need a car type of city. I would recommend DF as it's a walkable city, uber is cheap as a mother fucker, shit to do, variety of bitches from all over the world etc.

- renting an apartment versus staying in hotels/guesthouses: Contact El Flaco and check out the mexico city thread. He and others drop some real jewels for renting.
- staying in one city the whole time and making week-long trips, or moving cities every two weeks: I took plenty of trips around mexico and stateside while living in DF: Hermosillo, Playa del carmen, GDL. It's all cheap and the airlines solid.
- daygaming girls—do you insta-date them or do you prefer to get digits and meet at night: I ran mostly coffee shop game with some very light night game. Coffee shop game was good in terms of fresas because those bitches had nothing to do and once they got over the initial shock of me approaching them, seeing my new iphone and $2000 Mac they relaxed and were easy to game. Like picking off cherries.
- gaming online—wasn’t something I plan to do unless you recommend it: Tinder is cool in DF, but bitches flake very hard and are not that cute. I used it, but will be honest and say i got mainly 5-6s. My 7s+ came from day game and night game.

I speak moderate Spanish, and with a little practice, I can hold a conversation: A perk of being in DF, in one of the neighborhoods(polanco, la roma, condesa, roma norte etc) they have plenty of people who understand english and you can get a private spanish tutor for cheap, or if your game is tight you can just have one of your girl's teach you. All of my plates volunteered to teach me, but I became lazy after a few sessions.
Enjoy that peso exchange rate, I was eating steak and premium fish almost every night. I wouldn't recommend buying clothes there though. I found them extremly overpriced and not all that.


Your DF experience is very similar to mine. Main key points

*DF is a great place to get over day game anxiety as girls are receptive.

*Average chick is not that great, but its not a main concern since you can get the top 10%, and even top 3% pretty easy with a few dollars and some style. You'll bang a lot of 5s and 6s of Tinder, there are lots of hot girls in DF but they are not on Tinder

*Upper crust of top 3% hottest chicks look damn sexy AF and they are accessible if you do some game, social circle.

*Speaking some Spanish can help but its not like Buenos Aires or Medellin where you are borderline fucked without it, lots of girls speak good English

*Style matters a lot, and the cool weather allows for it without feeling suffocated so do it up.

*Like any foreign destination in 2016, if you stay a while or at least con girls into thinking you're staying a long time you'll get much higher quality. Always have a good backstory.

*The white Mexican chicks put up a stuckup front but you'll realize quickly they want foreign D pretty bad too.

*As a short guy, I can confirm beyond any reasonable doubt that if you're a short caucasian with some Spanish you will do way better in Mexico than any other Spanish speaking country for sure. Don't be so sure you'll get a pass on your height in Brazil.....

*Mexico City as a city is very easy to pull, but most places in Mexico require much more skill, esp the surf towns filled with all these good looking surfer assholes. We go to Manila to get spoiled and date up, Mexican chicks go to Beachtowns to work the same angle in the opposite direction, can't hate 'em for it but you'll see if you go to one of these beach towns the same chick in DF who would be throwing herself at you now suddenly has major bitch shield in a beach town filled with scandanavian fucks.

*Aside from women, when it comes to food, things to do, culture, nightlife, housing options and everything a major city has to offer, no other city in Mexico even holds a candle to DF. I would still consider DF even if it wasn't a poosy paradise for a million other reasons (great weather, great food, great nightlife, great cultural shit to do, great beauitful parks, great flight connections) And I've been to Guadalajara, its a pretty boring place, not worth it just b/c the average chick is 2 nothces hotter.

Anyways i'm moving permantely to DF soon, so i'm a bit biased but its a great alternative for people who want to work on

Excellent Excellent points. Love the write up- but what about the horrible smog / pollution? that is my main concern

Learn photography, the pollution makes for some of the best lighting during the days 'Golden Hours' in any city I have ever been too. And chicas dig photographers.

Also the pollution in DF is nothing compared to any city in China.

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