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Is it wrong to want a serious girlfriend over being a player while still in college?

Is it wrong to want a serious girlfriend over being a player while still in college?


I appreciate everyone's comments and continue to read all of them. You all are great.

I'll answer a few of Kaotic's questions with the utmost honesty for those who are curious.

Quote: (10-31-2016 03:19 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

You desire quality ? Respectable, but are you willing to work for it and ATTRACT and GAME these types of women ?

That's my big struggle. There are more women on this campus than men. And a lot of the quality women don't go out to bars and parties on the weekends, which is where I do most of my socializing with the opposite sex - They stay in.

This means that my best bet would be day game, and that is something I need to work on. Just approach at all. In every case it seems out of the ordinary, almost like I'm putting a sign over me that says "Thirsty".

But I'm not gonna whine about it - Yeah I need to start working on that, especially while I'm still in college.

Quote: (10-31-2016 03:19 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Do they exist on your college campus ?

Definitely. It's just a matter of where to look.

Quote: (10-31-2016 03:19 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Have you dumped dating apps and approached women on campus or bars?

Made a Tinder a couple weeks ago. Man do I hate Tinder. All fat bitches. A few attractive dirty hoes.

Quote: (10-31-2016 03:19 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

You're in what's called "cuffing season"

Bitches want to lock down that holiday boyfriend and "lonely" people in general yearn for a significant other during this time of year.

And that's what scares me. Which is the main reason I made this thread.

Quote: (10-31-2016 03:19 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

To me this sounds like you're pining for an old girl, that reflects in how you talk about this September girl of yours.

Personally I think you're over analyzing things that happened in a 1 MONTH span.

When was the last time you had sex ? I'm assuming with September girl ? Sounds like you had some pretty strong emotions with her.

Yep, you're right on the money. I'm still feeling for September girl.

September girl and why she broke up with me is a long story that I could tell if you think it's worth it. I've only talked about it to redbeard and he says that her reasoning was bullshit and overboard. A few of my friends also agree. I do too.

She was a classy girl. 22, attractive, rich, had only been in two relationships (they were last school year). First guy got to second base, second guy got to first. She was even more into me than I was her - And we had a good connection too. She wanted to lose her virginity to me eventually.

I think her virginity was something that made me even more attracted to her. Not even in a thirsty/physical way, but more because for once you actually have this big emotional connection with somebody that comes from her trusting you enough to be her first sexual experience (beyond what she had done, which was little). Like you said, for most women, it's not your pussy, it's just your turn. For her, it was different. Hard to explain.

And yes I am over analyzing everything that happened in September.

Again, long story. But yeah, I don't think I mentioned that in my first post. Still have feelings for her when she's now convinced that I'm a bad guy (I'm not) over almost nothing which I have made beyond-substantial efforts to recover from. And because of her two bad experiences with boyfriends, her paranoia/trust issues made her switch from googly-eyed head-over-heels to removing me from her life all in the course of about 48 hours. So really I should (and am trying to) move on.

Quote: (10-31-2016 03:19 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

You have to remember - a female NEVER completes you - she only complements you (your life).

Good advice. I'll have to remember that.

Quote: (10-31-2016 03:19 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

I don't think you miss that, I think you miss that ONE girl from September, I could be wrong, but like I said, you may not miss that girl but your sure miss those experiences, I get that.

That probably hits the nail on the head. If I'm being honest with myself, fuck it was only one month. If I found another girl that was classy and I connected with, that would do it too. I just miss the experiences.

Quote: (10-31-2016 03:19 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Getting some strange puss can change your mine in an instant, hell just approaching and gaming girls can give you a nice confidence boost.

It's better to be honest with your self, identify the issues, and then work on fixing those and bettering yourself.

And honestly, maybe what I do need is just to go out and game more. Maybe this was God's/nature's/fate's way of telling me to not give my senior year to just one woman.

Hell, even my night game could be brought up more notches. I don't approach near enough than I should. Maybe some of these women are out and I'm just not talking to them.


Keep throwing down comments and questions if you want. Like I said, I really do appreciate everyone's input.

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