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Is it wrong to want a serious girlfriend over being a player while still in college?

Is it wrong to want a serious girlfriend over being a player while still in college?

I was in a few in college. It kept me sexed. It also helped me focus on finishing my STEM degree in 4 years with a high GPA.

  • I was cheated on by at least one of them and risked pregnancy with that same one. Almost cucked? Possibly!
  • I didn't develop much game
  • I missed out on a lot of social development and connection making
  • I could've hustled for money instead and built a big nest egg Wallstreet Playboys style
  • I wasn't motivated to do much physical development
If I were to do it again I would do more networking, get some kind of sales side project going, and bang a lot more college sloots unless I found a real woman. But, I didn't have enough experience with women to recognize a good keeper, so there's that.

My life trajectory probably would've been completely different and more entrepreneur-minded instead of highly paid wageslave minded.

I'd focus on bigger picture things over hunting for a serious girlfriend. If it happens, it happens, but don't go looking like I did. You'll convince yourself you found something.

And when you're 30, you can still grab a college girl for a relationship, and the age/power dynamic will be much more in your favor.

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