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Drunk Lounge

Drunk Lounge

So, straight up, small towns, especially those that aren't established, suck, even for us guys in LTRs. I'm sitting here in southern Arizona with a bunch of assholes who think the Red Hot Chili Peppers are the next best thing. They're pounding the god damned bar to Under the Bridge like it's the newest fucking song to ever come out.

Hell, this bartender was an 8.5 in the black lights, but now that they've made last call and turned on the fluorescents, she's a 7. Still, it's Halloween and the bar is crowded, so maybe I'll circle back on a slower night and try to get some action from cutie bartender when she's less busy.

Some asshole next to me struck up a conversation by starting with, "Make America Great that's a phrase to piss people off." Being drunk, I just smiled and said, "Is that right?" I think he realized I thought he was an idiot because he quit talking to me at that very moment.

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