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Is it wrong to want a serious girlfriend over being a player while still in college?

Is it wrong to want a serious girlfriend over being a player while still in college?

Quote: (10-31-2016 02:11 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  



Cosign with WIA

I can't wait to hear him break this down.

Quote: (10-30-2016 04:03 PM)GoldHawkStar Wrote:  


I've been talking to different attractive women, matching on Tinder, meeting at bars, who want sex. For example, literally this whole weekend this girl has been wanting to meet up at the end of both drunken nights and dropping obvious hints at what she wants to do.

But if I'm being honest with myself, I'm just not into women who have been pumped and dumped numerous times. It's unattractive. I don't wanna be Dick #27 for some basic bitch named Carly all for one night, only to have to go through the same moves another night with somebody else. So I don't go through with it, I make excuses, I push away. Nothing to do with nerves even, I just don't want to.

It's obvious your problem isn't quantity, it's quality now. You even admit college girls who are getting pumped and dumped aren't your style, you don't want to be that next dick.

(I'd gladly be and send them on their way).

There's nothing wrong with having fun and just going with the flow of hoes.

You just have to remember this saying, "It's never your pussy, it's just your turn" - the only exclusion from that is a virgin girl whose only sucked off 20 dudes and got finger blasted a bunch [Image: lol.gif] (I kid).

You desire quality ? Respectable, but are you willing to work for it and ATTRACT and GAME these types of women ?

Have you attempted to look for these girls ?
Do they exist on your college campus ?
Have you dumped dating apps and approached women on campus or bars?


Being in college, 21, time of my life, young wild and free and all that, I legitimately desire a steady girl. As goofy as that is. Which is hard to find in the going-out scene on campus. And at the end of the night, especially Sunday mornings such as this one, I'm reminded that I don't have one. Loneliness kicks in.

I spent September with a girl and October single. It's odd because I enjoyed September far more than October. You'd think I'd enjoy being single more; the cuffs removed, nothing holding me back, but the romantic loneliness and lack of intimacy makes me bitter and frustrated. This is something I never thought I'd worry about until my 30's maybe, but these feelings have been hitting me like a freight train this whole month.

Winter is coming too. Last Winter was the loneliest I've ever been in my life. But, I didn't have as many opportunities to go out. Of course now that I'm 21 and have more going-out friends and all that, I'll still be out.

You're in what's called "cuffing season"

Bitches want to lock down that holiday boyfriend and "lonely" people in general yearn for a significant other during this time of year.

You're never lonely, you just choose to be.

Either that or you aren't actively gaming/screening quality girls.

Fuck being lonely, you're FREE. Free to do what you want !

To me this sounds like you're pining for an old girl, that reflects in how you talk about this September girl of yours.

Personally I think you're over analyzing things that happened in a 1 MONTH span.

When was the last time you had sex ? I'm assuming with September girl ? Sounds like you had some pretty strong emotions with her.

I'm around 30 and still enjoying being single, seeing girls here and there, having mini LTR's, plenty of ons and flings.

I've learned to just love women and have fun with them BUT I'm completely confident in myself if I hit a dry streak or haven't been with a girl in awhile.

While I've never been subjected to extreme weather where I'm basically hibernating for the winter - this shouldn't stop you from being at peace with your self.

You have to remember - a female NEVER completes you - she only complements you (your life).


But from Halloween to Spring Break, which is half the school year, man I tell you what. Regardless if I do or don't go out. Those -20 degree nights are when the loneliness hits hard. When I'd rather stay in, in a warm room and watch a bullshit movie with a girl whom I share an emotional connection with and have sex when the movie gets dull. Fuck I miss that. I'd think about that while I wait in line freezing my ass off to get into a club or party just to play the game once again on throwaway women. I never believed in Winter depression until last year, and I don't want to go back to the same routine again.

Again, these are just thoughts I've been having that I needed to dump somewhere. Critique me as necessary, but I'd never be anything but honest about how I feel. I'm still new to game. Maybe I just need to go out more and take a couple for the team to get over this.

You listed you miss that emotional connection with a girl, I can understand that, but most college girls live that "young wild and free" life that you mention. Where college is a time for experimentation.

I don't think you miss that, I think you that ONE girl from September, I could be wrong, but like I said, you may not miss that girl but your sure miss those experiences, I get that.

If you don't want to go back to that same routine - what are you doing to change that ? Are you willing to change that and break that cycle every winter ?

Getting some strange puss can change your mine in an instant, hell just approaching and gaming girls can give you a nice confidence boost.

It's better to be honest with your self, identify the issues, and then work on fixing those and bettering yourself.

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