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Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Quote:el mechanico Wrote:  

MikeCF's phone call to Poland..

MCF: Hey, I represent my client there in your country

KPD ( Polish PD) : Who are you? What do you ask?

MCF: I demand you free him or I'm coming to consolidate with one of my Polish colleagues and will file suit for declamation of characters.

KPD: Do you mean MikeZF? Z is a vowel here so name make no sense

MCF: May I speak to your superior. Now!

KPD: Dobra notz dis Janusz how can I help you?

MCF: You guys are not in compliance with the Geneva convention I demand you release Roosh V****** right fucking now!

KPD: You practice law Poland?


KPD: MikeZF, Poland is different place

MCF: Fuck this!

KPD: Thank you, come again.

Americans are dreamers too

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