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Should I even bother messaging this girl?

Should I even bother messaging this girl?

And part 2 of your ROK/Disqus posts which don't back up your story as far as I can tell (maybe others will find it so I post it in it's entirety):


ourselves in order to preserve our most valuable memories for generations. Also allows us to catch criminals easier through surveillance cameras. However, cameras make it a hundred times easier to invade someone's privacy, They enable things like revenge porn. More importantly, cameras are yet another tool for government to control us. Surveillance cameras are everywhere. Big brother is watching you.
Computers: Allows us to communicate over long distances and to store and/or transmit large amounts of information. This is good for national security as large amounts of intelligence can be stored easily and accessed at a later time. The internet is a great place to share information on sites like ROK. However, computers contribute greatly to societal decline, as you can see with women who are addicted to their smartphones. Also, just like any other technology, computers are used by government to better control its citizens. You might like the fact that you can run a background check on a potential tenant or employee to make sure he isn't a murderer, but you're not going to like it when you are denied work, denied the right to buy a gun, or denied entry into the military, or whatever, due to a minor non-violent criminal violation from over a decade ago. Also, government uses computers to spy on and store information about people who have done nothing wrong, as revealed in the NSA spying scandal a couple of years ago.
Firearms: They allow you to protect yourself against attackers. But if they didn't exist, then your enemies would not have them either, and you wouldn't need them. Also, governments are always going to have bigger, badder guns than you, so once again, this is a technology that works to increase government power over you.
Modern Medicine: Positives are obvious. Cures disease and helps us live longer. Negatives are that modern medicine is dysgenic. People who nature would have killed off before they reproduced are now reproducing, and it is making us into a weaker species. The amount of vaccines that the entire population is required to get will continue to increase. We have likely not yet seen the full extent of the consequences of this, since modern medicine is still relatively new. (I am not a fan of eugenics or anything like that. I think meddling in nature and playing god will have negative consequences no matter which way you do it).
Hard Drugs: Most people wouldn't consider them a "technology," but modern recreational drugs like cocaine and heroin are relatively recent inventions. In this case, the good and the bad are far more obvious than with other technologies (the good being how you feel when you take the drug, and the bad being addiction, destitution, and all the other negatives that drugs can cause in your life). The reason I include this example in my comment is that the fact that the negatives or hard drug use outweigh the positives is obvious to most people. There are very few people who would claim that the good feelings you get while you're high on drugs outweigh the negative consequences. However, people don't seem to get that this logic is applicable to every technology that exists. It might not be as obvious as it is with drugs, but every technological invention has negative consequences that at least cancel out, if not outweigh, the positives. Every technology is a trade-off. No technology can be a universal good.
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Discussion on Roosh V 44 comments
Game Will Never Die
Rob Banks
Rob Banks fatherofthree a month ago
Clinton will appoint justices that will take away our guns. Trump won't. That alone should make you vote Trump.
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Discussion on Return Of Kings 427 comments
Hillary Clinton Pulls Out The Lie Book To Try And Stump The Trump At The First Presidential Debate
Rob Banks
Rob Banks Red Hood's Assault a month ago
Nobody seems to understand, "stop and frisk" is a misnomer. It should be called "stop and search." Trust me, I'm from New York and I have first hand experience with this. They don't just stop you and frisk you for weapons, they empty out your pockets and search your bag, looking for drugs, weapons, or anything else they can arrest you for. I don't think it is racist, but I do think it is a clear violation of the 4th amendment for cops to search people without probable cause. I agree that it helps prevent crime, but following the constitution and bill of rights should not be optional.
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Rob Banks
Rob Banks ConservativeAtheistRedPiller a month ago
Trust me, these billionaires backing Clinton are not just "stupid liberals" who value progressive causes over their own wealth. "They just care so much about the poor that they are willing to pay higher taxes and lose money."
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Rob Banks
Rob Banks ConservativeAtheistRedPiller a month ago
Because what they gain from donating and making deals with her FAR outweighs the extra taxes they will pay.
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Rob Banks
Rob Banks a month ago
Actually, Trump did say that women should only make as much as men if they do as good of a job, (not that there's anything wrong with that). It was in response to a girl in a town hall, during the beginning of his campaign, asking him "as president, how will you make sure I make as much as a man?" and Trump responded "you will if you do as good of a job." Great response by the way.
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Discussion on Breitbart News Network 3497 comments
Tulsa Police Officer Charged in Terence Crutcher’s Death
Rob Banks
Rob Banks a month ago
This is what happens when you put a little a$$ woman to do a man's job.
I understand you need to have female officers in case you need to search a woman (not appropriate for a man to stick his hands in a woman's pockets), but she shouldn't be put in a dangerous situation like this. Not only will situations like this happen, she will also put her male partner in danger. I once saw male and female partners trying to arrest a big guy who was resisting, and the woman didn't (couldn't) do anything to stop him, the male cop was doing all the work. The male cop ended up getting in trouble for using "excessive force" because he punched the suspect, even though he had no help whatsoever.

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