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The autism thread

The autism thread

My son was diagnosed with autism at a very early age. I was crushed. At 2-3 he really wouldn't engage with people. No eye contact, etc... I got him help early with a Defeat Autism Now doctor. Turns out that after some tests, his body was holding on to heavy metals to a high degree. I gave him a few rounds of Chelation, gluten free diet and learning therapy sessions among a bunch of other things. He still couldn't speak after he turned 5 years old and to a large degree, skipped playing with toys his entire childhood, he was simply not interested.

He's now almost 9 and his speech is great, as well as his social interaction. It was pleasing to see the 'light' come on within him when he read the name tag of a cashier at the store and told her "you have a nice name" (Rose). Or when he understands the humor of,and laughs when he hears Michael Savage demolish idiot callers on his radio show. Those are big deals for a kid on the spectrum, to get social nuances that many do not. When I tell people he has autism they are shocked. He carries on conversations and is an absolute genius with his phone, tablets and building games on X box.

If your kid is diagnosed get them help early. There are great resources that your state Health and Human Services can provide and a Individualized Education Plan from a good county school. An all of the above approach really worked for my kid. Diet, training and chelation if he has trouble with metals in his metabolism. But most important, these kids need love and patience.

There are so many ideas about the causes of ASD. I am still very skeptical of the vaccinations. The hospital stuck my boy with a bunch at once. Kids don't need Hepatitis vaccines on day 2! I still refuse vaccs for him and claim religious grounds with his school. Until doctors can come up with a definitive cause then I'm not ruling things like vaccs out.


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