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Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

The screws are tightening:


The University of Toronto has slapped down a professor who openly criticized the use of gender-neutral pronouns and political correctness at the post-secondary institution.

Jordan Peterson, a psychology prof, was sent a letter Tuesday that told him that he must refer to students by whatever pronoun they wish — not just ‘he’ or ‘she’ — and that he must also refrain from making public statements on the topic.


“They had to make their decision whether they were going to make a stand for free speech or whether they were going to censor me and they’ve decided,” Peterson told the Toronto Sun Wednesday. “It’s unfortunate; I’m not happy about it; I’m disappointed.

“But it doesn’t surprise me because it is the fact that such things are happening that was the motivation for me to make the damn videos to begin with,” he said.


“These laws are the first laws that I’ve seen that require people under the threat of legal punishment to employ certain words, to speak a certain way, instead of merely limiting what they’re allowed to say,” Peterson said. “So the law’s put words into our mouths.”

Evidently, what Peterson is doing is equivalent to yelling fire in a theater:


The U of T letter, signed jointly by arts and science dean David Cameron and faculty and academic life vice-provost Sioban Nelson, said the university is committed to free speech but that right has limits.

And if you don't believe it, believe this, if Peterson doesn't do what he is told, people will die.

Yeah, the administration is going there:


Students have also reported being the target of violent threats, the letter says.

[I like the fucking vote of confidence in this line:]
“We trust that these impacts on students and others were not your intention in making these remarks,” the letter says.

“However, in view of these impacts, as well as the requirements of the Ontario Human Rights Code, we urge you to stop repeating these statements.”

And the moral is, if a large organization is ever required to stand behind an employee not only out of loyalty, but in pursuit of a higher principle, this is the procedure:

[Image: 6uyEQ0J.gif]

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

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