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The autism thread

The autism thread

^ No^

I've been very close friends with people on the spectrum some stronger than others. They've always identified me as being on it as well which i find strange.

It's heartbreaking trying to explain human social graces. These folks really do not get it and struggle continously with things we take for granted.

Boys on the spectrum have it worse off. Women speak entirely in code so imagine not being able to intuitively understand facial expressions, body language, and above all sarcasm. The nuances of human interaction via the gut feeling are all lost.

In the past, these children were generally unteachable and ended up living as peasants or were simply killed off. Nowadays, their gifts can be exploited and used if they're properly identified.

I'd say autism is just the INTJ archetype turned up to 11. They really do need special school and teaching. As for factors, i say the mother's age is a big factor in it.

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