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Foreigner Value Overseas

Foreigner Value Overseas

This is purely speculative, but I think I might have a theory or two as to why a lot of members are crying about certain international locales getting played out (I have seen this two and have commented on it).

1.) A lot of dudes traveling back to places they have been before and not having as good of an experience as their first time. This is simply a normal effect of trying to replicate the same sort of majesty you get from a first experience. Generally not possible. You can't really do the exact same thing twice and get the same joy even if the results are similar. Saying a spot is "dried up" is likely just a grasp as some excuse as to why they aren't as happy or as successful returning.

2.) New/First time travelers expecting local girls to be falling all over their dick because they have rose-colored-glasses about Country X or City Y from reading inspiring lay reports from guys going there and cleaning up well.

I went to Colombia for the first time recently and I made sure not to give myself crazy high expectations. I just went into it knowing it was going to be a new experience, whatever happens happens, and I was going to make the most of it no matter what. I happened to be very pleased with my time there.

The world is huge. There are far more places to visit and people to meet than a single person would ever even come close to having the time for in their lifetime.

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