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Sleep issues

Sleep issues


Not trying to pick on you, but have you considered seeing a shrink? You seem to have issues that cross beyond simple sleep problems.

You sound really whiny and don't seem to be interested in taking action when real world solutions are suggested.

You "have no fucking idea what you're doing" and posters give you VERY simple exercises. Honestly, if you can't figure out how to do a bench press, you're beyond help.

We've given you many many helpful responses. Pick up a set of P90X, or actually, I recommend P90X 3. The exercises are really simple, you just follow along with the video and that's it. They even have modifications for people who are weak pansies. You really can't fuck it up.

If exercise doesn't help, get a higher quality matress, as others have suggested.

You seem to simply have social problems that aren't sleep related, IMHO.


"I'm trapped being a keyboard monkey with no hope of any promotions and no opportunity to actually solve problems. After years of that, I have very little drive left, I am just completely burned out.

Working out would be a good thing, but the last time I found something I enjoyed and could stick with, a bunch of insane, hysterical, lying cunts fabricated a group psychodrama to get rid of me. I've tried a regular gym, but between not knowing what I'm doing and totally useless trainers, I've given up. Looked into Crossfit and discovered that it's a franchise where there is a complete lack of consistency between locations and it's bloody expensive, which explains why there are so many crappy franchisees.

This does not sound like the words of someone who is mentally healthy. I'm not trashing you, but honestly, everything is someone elses fault. You're a man. Act like it. Quit blaming all your issues on your employer, women, and franchises.

YOU have to fix your life. YOU are responsible for your problems. We are more than happy to provide advice and guidance, but when we've done that and your response is simply more excuses, frankly it makes is seem like we're wasting our time.

Sympathy is what women are for. Tell your girlfriend(s) about how you feel. We're here to give you actionable advice. Take it or leave it.

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