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Sleep issues

Sleep issues

Only use your bed for sleeping, sex, and if you are sick
Do not use a computer or smartphone 2 hours before bed
Do not read books in bed
Never eat food in your bed
Never use a tablet or smartphone in bed
Do light stretches before bed
Do not exercise two hours before bed
Do not eat heavy meals before bed
Do not drink caffeine or alcohol
Do not read an hour before bed
Remove stress from your life
Declutter your room
Block out all artificial light in your room
Have clean sheets
Do not make any phone calls an hour before bed
Do not make any important decisions an hour before bed
Do not have any intense conversations an hour before bed
Get plenty of natural sunlight in the afternoon
Go to bed an hour after it gets dark
Wake up when the sun rises
Avoid heavily spiced foods
Avoid sugary foods
Avoid refridgerated foods
Do not nap during the day
Wash face before bed
Brush teeth before bed

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